Heading Home Well Satisfied

July 1, 2024 | Jeffrey and Angela Anderson

July 1st, 2024
Dear Family and Friends,

We have finished everything and more that we came here to do in the States. We were able to visit all of our supporting churches and almost all of our individual supporters. We were also able to meet some more of the TBM board directors face to face. Angela had her first Wyoming camping trip and saw two grizzlies and a black bear in Yellowstone. Of course, that was the first time she had been there to enjoy it. And most importantly she became a US citizen.

Tomorrow, July 2nd, we drive to Denver and then on the 4th we fly out for Peru. Our bags are packed, and our hearts are full. We are excited to be heading back and seeing her family, the church family, the kids and their parents at Rosario, etc. But the trip won’t be without tears as we say goodbye to my parents, other family members, and you, our brothers and sisters in Christ.

Thank you so much for your prayers and support. Please be praying for our drive to Denver and our flights and connections (we change planes twice). May God bless each and every one of you.

Finish Strong,
Jeff and Angela Anderson

Prickly Pear Cactus in WY