Ministry Team Heading to Cuba

July 5, 2024 | Franc and Mary Ortega

The Ortega’s July 2024 HOT News

“I will refresh the weary and satisfy the faint.” Jer. 31:25

Dearest TEAM,

Yes, in McAllen, Texas we are HOT – as in literally! In fact, our church has blown one A/C unit and two more required major maintenance. These things are running non-stop. The one good thing is that this is the only hell we will get to experience. So, thank You, Jesus!

So, what else is HOT out here? We just had and amazing VBS program, presenting the gospel to many children, youngsters and even adults, resulting in several decisions for Christ. Now we got so much follow-up work to do. On other matters, we are finally working on our parking lot – MUCH needed, by the way. Even now, as busy as we are, my wife and I gearing up for our missions trip to Cuba. This year we are taking the same two girls, one guy and we have added one more young lady.  See the photo of us.
Thanks so very much for your very valuable prayers on our behalf, and boy, do we need prayer!

Please Pray:
1. For God’s PROVISION for our missions trip to Cuba (July 10-24). So far, we are several hundred dollars short for the trip, travel, meals and lodging.
2. For God’s PROTECTION while in Cuba, that we may go, minister there and return safe and sound.
3. For HEALTH, especially for my wife’s.
4. For the ever hot and humid weather conditions in Cuba.
5. For proper transportation within the country. Things get “very interesting” from the moment we get off the plane.
6. For our diverse ministries with children, worship, women, training lay pastors, counseling, evangelizing, baptizing and whatever other ministries we are presented with.

Eternally grateful,
Franc Ortega

Additional Prayer needed now for God’s mercies and protection as Beryl, the hurricane, is headed our way!



Team Cuba 2024