Pray For Christmas Outreach Activities

December 7, 2018 | Delwin and Techy Fowler

Happy Christmas Season!! 

The girls are getting the tree up and we have not even enjoyed a big Thanksgiving feast.  Lucas and Delwin celebrated with a large pizza and much thankfulness.  We may celebrate Thanksgiving next week but we are thankful for the many blessings throughout the year.

The Christmas season will be a greater event as the Peruvians celebrate with unending enthusiasm.  As a local church we will participate in several Christmas programs, chocolatadas and special meals.

The chocolatada is a Peruvian tradition at Christmas time.  We serve hot chocolate with paneton (a sweet bread with dried papaya fruit and raisins in it, made especially for Christmas)  It is usually served after a big meal on Christmas and New Years Eve (these meals do not finish until the following day).  Therefore our family gets to celebrate Christmas around midnight and on Christmas day trying to include both cultures.

Please pray for the Christmas event activities as our goal throughout is to share the reason Christ was born in Bethlehem giving us salvation thru the blood of Jesus.

Saturday Dec. 15 – Kids club Christmas program and giving gifts to the children
Sunday Dec 16 – Christmas program, chocolatada and gifts for children in a nearby village (Churusapa)
Saturday Dec 22 – Christmas supper for the youth
Sunday Dec 23 – Community Bible Church Christmas program with chocolatada

Thank you for your faithful prayers & financial giving now and throughout the year!!

Have a great Christmas Season and God bless,

Delwin & Techy Fowler

Lining Up For Chocolatada

Serving In A Nearby Village

Previous Christmas Outreach

Serving Chocolatada