Central Trinidad Project

Emmanuel and Sucheta Endigeri are missionaries serving in Trinidad, West Indies since 1981. They are from India and work among the Hindus on the island. Their ministry has ranged from church planting that began with visiting many villages and holding Bible Studies in willing homes, to radio and children’s ministry. Emmanuel and Sucheta had a wonderful radio ministry where they sang Christian songs in Hindi. Hearing the gospel in the native Indian language was a great draw for the local population. Emmanuel also had the opportunity to share the gospel and teach in religious instruction classes in several local high schools. He continued this work of sharing and teaching through a weekly pamphlet called, “The Hidden Treasures” which were well received by adults and children alike. Sucheta has also served the women in tangible ways, and many have come to think of her as a second mother. She has hosted Bible studies and counseled many young women and still continues to do so. Emmanuel also had a deep desire to support and train young men in his home country of India. Five young men accepted the challenge and were successfully trained to serve in church ministry there. Emmanuel’s greatest desire is to teach and disciple future generations in a deep-rooted understanding of God’s Word and will. 

Personal Biographies:

Emmanuel’s call to the mission field came from the womb. His mother developed complications during her 11th pregnancy (the previous 10 children were born at home), and she had to choose whether to abort the pregnancy. She prayed that God would save them both, and if He did, she would dedicate the child to the mission field. God honored her prayer and from Emmanuel’s childhood, his mother honored her promise. 

At the age of 17, Emmanuel was preparing to be a pilot, but his mother sent him to a seminary. There, Emmanuel made a decision to accept Christ and it changed the course of his life. For the next 12 years, Emmanuel travelled from village to village, on his bicycle, sharing the gospel. 

Sucheta was born into a nominally Christian home. It was only after she and Emmanuel were married that she discovered her need to believe in Jesus as her Savior. One night, during their honeymoon, Sucheta had a disturbing dream of the Rapture. In her dream, Emmanuel was taken to Heaven and she was left behind. The next morning, Sucheta explained her dream and Emmanuel had the privilege of sharing scripture and praying with her to accept Christ into her life. 

Ministry in Trinidad:

Emmanuel and Sucheta married in 1966, and together, they started a house church. Emmanuel also ran a small Christian bookstore. Their house church served families from every caste, bringing them together in Christ. Despite opposition, their church grew and many of those men and women are now serving in India. 

In 1977, the Endigeris visited Trinidad and Tobago. During that visit, they discovered the large population of third-generation Indians, many of whom practiced Hinduism. The islanders were attracted to the idea of Indians from India, sharing Christ. Emmanuel and Sucheta saw this as an opportunity for future ministry. Three years later, the Endigeris were commissioned by TEAM Missions to serve on the twin-islands of Trinidad and Tobago as church planters. From 1982-1995, they started cell groups and planted five churches. They also trained local leaders and pastors to carry on the work. Those 5 original churches are now combined into two main bodies in Todd’s Road and Calcutta, Trinidad. It is a joy to see both the founding members and new generations growing and continuing the work there. 

In 2017, the Endigeris entered a new phase of semi-retirement. They continue to live and serve in Trinidad where Emmanuel is discipling and training young men for ministry as Sucheta serves the women and cares for the family. Their daughter, Supriya and her husband, Kevin, care for Emmanuel & Sucheta and the ministry in Trinidad. 

Emmanuel and Sucheta have three married daughters, Mahima, Monisha, and Supriya. The Endigeris have 7 beautiful grandchildren – Faith, Hope, Ocean, Luke, Alex, Elias, and Rosalina.