Who are Marcos and Allyson Fowler:
Allyson was born and raised in Texas. She became a follower of Christ when she was a child and decided to go to Frontier School of the Bible when she was 17. While she was at Bible school, God started to soften her heart towards international missions and deepen her desire to make disciples globally. She went on her first overseas mission trip with FSB in 2019 and fell in love with Peru. Since that trip she felt challenged to pursue missions full-time. Allyson met Marcos freshman year of FSB (2017) and they were married in 2021.

Marcos was born and raised in Tarapoto, Peru. God used his parents, Delwin and Techy, to make an impact in his life concerning missions. When Marcos was a child, Techy shared the gospel with him and encouraged him to tell others about the good news of Jesus. Marcos became a believer at the age of four and since then was discipled by his father, Delwin. In 2017 he decided to go to Frontier School of the Bible with the goal of preparing to become a missionary. Since the day he became a believer, God has been deepening his desire to take the gospel to unreached people groups. It was in 2020, when Marcos graduated with a degree in Biblical Studies, that he moved to Dallas, Texas and started serving at Plano Bible Chapel.

Marcos is completing an internship with Plano Bible Chapel, serving under the Spanish pastor. Some of his responsibilities include teaching Sunday School, interpreting sermons, helping lead an ESL class, and mentorship.
Allyson is a wonderful wife and an outstanding full-time stay at home mom, where she chases the very active Judah (1 year old) around and makes sure he doesn’t hurt himself. She is also involved in the Spanish ministry as much as possible. She is making great strides with her Spanish, as she is being tutored weekly and has many opportunities to practice.

Our Project:
They are burdened to take the gospel specifically to people who have little to no access to a Bible Church. The Huallaga River (pronounced “Wa-jaw-ga” in English) is born on the slopes of the Andes in central Peru and joins the Marañón River before it reaches the Ucayali River to form the Amazon. Along this river there are several communities who do not have easy access to a Bible-believing church. They are planning on serving at the Community Bible Church of Tarapoto with Delwin and Techy Fowler for their first years in Peru before they decide which town or village along the Huallaga River would be the best option for a Church plant.

Marcos & Allyson Fowler Family

Best Buddies!

Men's Retreat in Action

Sharing My Testimony

Teaching at VBS

Teaching Sunday School

Testimony Time in the Village

Tarapoto, Peru