There Is A Time And Season

October 24, 2022 | John and Anna Bazemore

Dear Family and Friends,

In the words of King Solomon—to everything there is a season, and a time for every purpose under heaven: a time to be born, and a time to die…. A time to weep and a time to mourn (Ecclesiastes 3:1,4). Such has been our season over the last six months. Still grieving over the loss of my father in April, we were hit with another death in the family earlier this month, my nephew Sean. Thus, we joined our family in Florida to weep and mourn for this precious young man whom we all loved.

It was during this time the truth of what it means to follow Jesus hit us again. Each of us do now know what tomorrow brings. Though we know life can change in a second, we often go on as if it won’t. Yet death forces us to accept the reality of our own mortality, and it is in our time of grief that the reality of following Jesus is experienced. Will we believe in His promise of eternal life for those who put their trust in Him? Will we accept His peace and comfort that comes through the Holy Spirit? Will we come together to minister to each other in love and forgiveness? Will we walk as Jesus walked when He experienced sadness and grief?

Dear friends and family, following Jesus is hard sometimes. It requires great faith and commitment, but for those of us who walk in His footsteps we find comfort in times of grief, love in times of brokenness, and direction for our future. Please pray for us and all our extended family.

In our October Newsletter linked below, we have highlighted two individuals who are walking in Jesus’ footsteps and helping others to do the same. Their testimony brings us great joy. It is a time to plant, to build up and to reap.

Yes, there is a time for every season under heaven. May we all follow Jesus in whatever season we are in.

In His grace,
John and Anna


Chaplin Dan Sonnenmoser

Music Minister Ian