New Birth & 35th Anniversary

June 8, 2023 | Frank and Salud Benoit

Dear friends,

       We hope that you are doing well and will be able to enjoy some restful days this summer. Please find in the link below our 2nd quarter June prayer letter and the news of our granddaughter Sara’s birth!! Choose the “Update Pictures” link on this page and click on the picture to see some enlarged photos. There is also news about the Puebla del Río Evangelical Church and other ministry activities that we are involved in. Thank you for praying for us and the things we share!

       God bless and keep you in everything,

  Frank and Salud



Sara with Jonathan & Irene

Sara & Julen with Proud Grandparents

Wedding of Joaquin & Beatriz

Men's Breakfast

Book of John Distribution

Sara & Julen with Dads

Sara & Julen with Moms

Church Fellowship Luncheon

Picture of Peace