50 Years of Service…and Counting!

September 3, 2019 | Ron and Wanda Thompson

Dear Co-laborers in Christ,

When we last wrote to you, we were preparing for a lengthy trip to the Midwest and portions of the east.  Thank you so much for praying for us!  Our trip covered over 6,000 miles in 5 weeks, ministering in our home churches, visiting and meeting with multiple pastors, church planters, and organizational leaders as well as enjoying special times with family and friends.  We also enjoyed attending the IFCA International Convention in Missouri.  We were challenged and blessed by the workshops and Convention speakers.

Since our return on July 1, we have been busy hosting missionaries and families here at Elim House.  In our first 21 days back home, we had 42 guest overnights.  What a blessing each guest was to us!  Thank you so much for your gifts and prayers that allow us to serve in such a diverse manner.

I (Ron) continue to teach the Adult Sunday School Class (book of Joshua) at the TBM Church Plant in North Ogden, Utah, on the Sundays when we are not traveling.  Wanda stays very busy cooking for our guests, and prepping our 3 guest rooms for visitors (with my help when needed!).

As I write this letter, we are preparing for a brief but important trip to Maine, where we will celebrate the 95th birthday of Wanda’s father.  He is a veteran of WWII and the Korean War.

Two days after our return, I will make a trip to the TBM Home Office for 2 days of meetings.  Following those meetings, we will travel to southern Utah, where I will speak at Family Camp at Cedar Mountain Retreat near Cedar City.

50 YEARS!  It is hard to believe, but a half century ago Wanda and I first served as summer missionaries in Utah and Idaho.  We were married two years later, and have been so blessed to serve as church planters in Kaysville, Roy, Cedar City, and LaVerkin, Utah, plus working as assistants and mentors with 6 other church plants.  God has been so good!

We have been uniquely blessed over the past 12 years to serve as Executive Director (and wife) at Tentmakers.

PRAISE:  We are so thankful for God’s provision of a 2016 Ford Taurus, replacing our 2012 Taurus with nearly 200,000 miles on it.  The gift was provided through Ron’s Mom, Doris.

And we are so thankful for you, our co-workers, for standing with us in prayer and behind us in financial support.  It is not possible to express in words the many ways you have blessed, encouraged, and held us up.  We thank God for you!

Fellow Servants,

Ron and Wanda Thompson

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50 Years of Service…and Counting!

50 Years of Service…and Counting!