A New Church Plant

October 21, 2023 | Steve and Deb Roderick

Hello Dear Friends!

It took us a couple of weeks, this time back, to get settled into Uganda time. I think our age is catching up with us. But we really enjoyed our extended time with the kids—little Gwen (1yr granddaughter) fell in love with Steve, it was a special time. I (Deb) have to admit, I got a little jealous.

Please see our Roderick Report in the link below to read about what we have been up to since returning to Uganda.

We can’t believe it will be three years in February that we have been here—the Lord is working through all things. We know He has a perfect plan, and we are trusting in His Sovereignty.

We are so thankful for your love and care for us—we are truly blessed!

With much love and prayer,
Deb and Steve


Spring Bible Church - new church plant