A Sovereign Lord Brings Peace
November 11, 2020 | Delwin and Techy Fowler
Hello from Tarapoto,
We trust everyone is happy in Jesus and allowing Him to use you to be a witness to others. Philippians 1:27a “Whatever happens, conduct yourselves in a manner worthy of the gospel of Christ…”
The Peruvian president has been impeached and the president of Congress seems to have been the next up. This is causing riots and demonstrations in various cities, even in Tarapoto. Wherever we live we must rely on the fact that God is in control and He knows what is going on. So, we can be an example by not getting worried.
Our FSB intern, Amber, actually flew out on Nov 10 and arrived in Chicago safely. We are missing her already but are thankful for her time here and her safe trip back to the USA. Techy, Sarah and Jennifer went out and taught the kids in the street in her absence. The kids come to the door and want to know when they can come, we tell them when school starts again, then they can come. In the meantime, we can go to the street and meet them.
Tonight, we will try having our first prayer meeting and communion service in our living room. It is an advantage at times when you aren’t to meet for church that our church is in our house. Men’s meeting and youth group work in this way too. We still haven’t opened for Sunday am service as the restrictions are still quite severe and it seems more profitable to preach on Facebook live. So, on Sunday morning I will preach in Spanish at 10 am and then in English after that.
Thank you so much for your extra gifts and special prayers during these eight months of quarantine and staying put inside our house. Ministry can continue for us as life is ministry and God opens opportunities for us so we can show His love to others.
Have a great day and God bless,
Delwin & Techy Fowler