Baptism To Celebrate New Life
April 15, 2022 | Delwin and Techy Fowler
Psalm 68:19 ‘Blessed be the Lord, who daily loadeth us with benefits, even the God of our salvation.‘
The teen camp in February was a great success. We had started a teen youth group back in July of 2021 and then the camp and Easter Sunday baptism is planned with seven anticipating they being baptized. It’s extra exciting as Jennifer, our daughter, is one of five teens joining the group.
Please pray for these new believers and the young man who is teaching the teens every Saturday. The four we started with are all getting baptized and there have been 13 more who have joined the group and several of them are almost ready for baptism as well.
On Good Friday we are having a special communion service for Holy Week. Some of the teens will read different scriptures relating the crucifixion, death, burial and resurrection of Jesus Christ. Everyone will bring some food items that we can then give to some of the needy families in the community. We call this ‘kilo de amor’, literally 2.2 pounds of love. The idea is that the community can see God’s love in us.
Also please pray for Techy and I as we are making a three-week trip to the USA in one week. We will land in Denver and then will drive to Geneva, NE, where we will celebrate 65 years of marriage for my parents. That is a great example to us all. On May 1st, we will share at Calvary Memorial Church in Gering, NE and then on May 8th in Berean Bible in Scottsbluff, NE. Also we will celebrate the graduation of our second son, Lucas, graduating from Frontier School of the Bible in LaGrange, WY on May 6th.
This will be a very precious time with family and friends and we look forward to seeing many of you. Thanks for your faithful prayers and support of the ministry God has for us here in Tarapoto, San Martin, Peru.
Have a great day and God bless,
Delwin & Techy Fowler
Jr. Jose Pardo #317
Tarapoto, San Martin
Peru, South America
phone: 051-42-52-9566