Bountiful Blessings in Kenya

January 20, 2018 | Brad and Ellie Harris

Dear Family and Friends,

On behalf of the whole Harris family: we want to send our greetings and our gratitude for ALL of your faithful love and support of our family personally, and the work we are doing here in Kenya. Thank you for all the Holiday well wishes, greeting cards, emails, words of encouragement, gifts, and prayers. It really helps to make the season brighter! And to feel somewhat better connected across the world.

This is a three-month update. Whew! It has been busy! And just when we thought we had a plan to “slow down,” …. well, you can read more about that in our newsletter. It has an update on each of the kids. They are wonderful (opinion not too biased)! There is also a very special holiday greeting YouTube video that you can click on within the newsletter to see how our household celebrated the Harvest Holiday in October. Click on the link below titled The Harris Happenings for January 2018.pdf to get the newsletter opened up. Then you will see the video arrow to click on to get to the video started.

Please let me repeat how grateful we are for your support and encouragement. We couldn’t be here without each and every one of you. You are our Team! We love You!

In Christ,
Brad for the family


Bountiful Blessings in Kenya

Bountiful Blessings in Kenya

Bountiful Blessings in Kenya