Encouragement From A Thank You

November 19, 2020 | John and Anna Bazemore

Dear Friends,

Sometimes, the best things in ministry are the little notes of encouragement and thank-you’s we receive. It’s not that we in ministry always expect or even want big “pats on the back” for what we do, but when notes, letters, emails, and photos come, they make the whole day (or much longer) so much brighter!

We know that it is by the grace of God that we have the privilege of serving Him by ministering to others. We know that it is by His strength and His wisdom that we can accomplish anything. We give God the glory for all of it. BUT, when we get a note from someone who we have ministered to in the past, or someone we are ministering to even now, and they tell us how we have been used by God to draw closer to Him in some way, it is just like hearing from God Himself! The Lord has used that person to minister to and encourage us to know that we have indeed made a difference for His kingdom.

We received such a note (click on the “Encouragement Letter” below) a few days ago and I wanted to share it with you. Not to show how “good” we are, but to show how “Good” our God is. AND, possibly to encourage you to take a moment to drop a note or photo to someone who has made a difference in your life for the Lord.

One more reason to offer Thanksgiving to our Gracious Lord and Savior, Jesus Christ, this week.
John and Anna


Encouragement From A Thank You