God Is ALWAYS In Control
April 4, 2020 | John and Anna Bazemore
Buon Giorno di Italia
Hope all of you are doing well and persevering in these days of lock down. Thank you all for your prayers and e-mails of encouragement. Our health is good, and our spirits are high despite the growing number of corona virus cases each day here and throughout the world. Just in Italy, the number of cases per day has not gone below 4,000, and the death toll exceeds 700 per day. Sadly, for two consecutive days we had 900 deaths per day. As you know, the news is not any better for the U.S. as predictions of cases and deaths are high. Added to the increasing concern for contracting the virus is the effect of the stop movement and social distancing mandates which are having a devastating impact on the world’s economies. The present economic outlook looks bleak and there is talk that a global recession from the corona virus could last a long time. It all seems so hopeless.
And yet…it is not hopeless. If our faith teaches us anything it is that God is ALWAYS in control. And He is always with us no matter what we face. He is our rock and fortress, our stronghold in the midst of troubling times. His steadfast love and mercy do not fail us. I am reminded of Psalm 46:1-2, “God is our refuge and strength, an ever-present help in trouble. Therefore, we will not fear, though the earth give way and the mountains fall into the heart of the sea.” Though the earth is not literally giving way and mountains are not literally falling into the sea, to some it may feel that way when we look at the economy and health of our nation.
But Beloved do not fear. Though difficult days may lie ahead we have a God who loves and cares for us and will see us through whatever comes. We must only “trust in the Lord with all our heart and lean not on our own understanding, but in all our ways acknowledge Him and He will make your paths straight” (Proverbs 3:5-6).
Anna and I press on in the work of the Lord. We use the telephone and internet to maintain our relationships, and I continue to post my sermons online to teach the Word of God and uplift the saints. This week, Holy Week, the focus will be on the road to Calvary—a road that Jesus walked on our behalf because of His great love for us. Each day we will post at our blog what occurred in the life of Jesus during His last week on earth. We urge you to checkout our website at; gracebibleaviano.church. Also, feel free to share your prayer request at the website or via e-mail.
We love you all and pray God’s protection and encouragement upon you and your families. May the Lord be praised today and forever!!
In Christ,
John & Anna