Gospel-Sharing Fun!
December 23, 2017 | Delwin and Techy Fowler
Merry Christmas and a Happy New Year!!
We have had several Christmas get togethers and church activities already. Tonight, we have the big church program that includes paneton and hot chocolate afterwards. Please pray that the many visitors would understand the gospel message and someone would get saved.
Last Saturday was the kids club special Christmas program and later a Christmas Supper for the youth. There were close to forty at both events and some good response. It’s a fun time of year to share the gospel message with the birth of Jesus. He came to die so the resurrection is also an important part of this great season.
Actually, we get two big meal celebrations. The traditional Christmas eve supper at Techy’s parents with fire crackers afterwards. Then on Christmas we’ll have a missionary celebration with three families here who are all with different Missions but we are great friends anyway. So, we have that to look forward to and another big New Year’s Eve celebration at my folks will probably happen even though we don’t think of that yet.
Many have wondered if we are all settled in yet. Well sort of, we are trying to be settled in as much as possible, but my office has yet to get organized and the bedrooms seem cluttered yet, but progress is being made. As far as ministry goes, we just have to keep going, the evening we arrived the men were over for a men’s meeting and we’ve kept going ever since!
Thank you to all you who are faithfully praying for us and continually giving so we can be here in Tarapoto. We appreciate you all and are so excited to be home although we did have a great time in the USA as well.
Have a very happy Christmas and a thankful New Year and God bless you very much,
Delwin & Techy Fowler