Green Light for the Freedom Project

November 15, 2021 | John and Anna Bazemore

Dear Friends and Family,

Hope you are doing well. We have settled in since our return to Colorado Springs from Italy earlier this year. The last few months have been a whirlwind of activity with visiting family and making repairs on our home. Over the summer we helped two of our children relocate due to change of duty station assignments. Our oldest daughter Megan, her husband, Jon, and sons Jimmy and Samuel moved from Colorado Springs (Shriver AFB) to Montgomery, Alabama (Maxwell AFB) where Jon is on loan from US Space Force to the US Air Force teaching Squadron Officer School to Company Grade Officers. Jon and Megan are expecting their third child next Spring. Our son, Daniel, his wife Ashley and son Hudson moved from Las Vegas, Nevada to Monterey, California. Daniel is an Air Force Weather Officer pursuing his doctorate in Atmospheric Physics at the Naval Post Graduate School. From packing and unpacking boxes to doing landscaping we were very busy helping both families. Our second daughter, Laura and her husband David are still in Kansas City, Missouri. Laura continues to work in an inner-city school; however, she has changed grade levels from fifth grade to second grade. Though she continues to be challenged with the never-ending issues facing children living in the inner city, it has been a nice change to teach younger children. In the same way, David continues to face difficult situations as a police officer in the inner city. Our youngest daughter Jenny changed jobs from an IT position at Shriver AFB to teleworking at home for a private health care company. We are thoroughly enjoying having her live within five minutes of our home. As for ourselves, we were very busy making some much needed renovations to our home after a six-year absence.

Since our return from Italy, we have spent much time in prayer and consideration about our next ministry project. In our Bazemore Newsletter link below is our update with more details concerning our ministry change. We are excited about the new venture we are embarking upon and ask for your prayers and support as we move forward. Though the venue has changed, the heart of our ministry remains the same—making Christ known and teaching and exhorting the saints for the ministry of Jesus Christ. Thank you for making it possible for us to continue serving as missionaries for the gospel.

Serving Christ Together,
John & Anna


Green Light for the Freedom Project