Please Pray for Two Ministry Teams Coming This Month
February 1, 2019 | Delwin and Techy Fowler
Greetings from Tarapoto, Peru. While many of you are suffering the cold of winter in the polar vortex; down here, it is warm and rainy. So, I’ll try not to complain…
Thanks for your faithful prayers, we are having a great summer break. The construction of our house, about a mile away, is officially underway; although thru two weeks there was only two work days because of the rain. Whenever it gets done and we move, then our current house will become the Community Bible Church building.
A ministry team was to get in this am (Friday) but due to delays, they missed their flight to Lima thus will come a day late. Please be in prayer as we have many activities planned for the coming week. We plan to go to a village every day and offer a dental clinic where many of the kids may not even have a toothbrush. The group not only is bringing a dentist, but a ministry team to do a VBS and also do door-to-door evangelism. It will be a great week!
After this group, we have another group coming the final week of the month and we will do a VBS for the kids in our neighborhood between the two groups. The schools are on summer break down here so we are trying to get in some extra ministry during this time.
Thank you for your monthly support, special gifts and faithful prayer for the ministry God has here in Tarapoto!
Have a great day and God bless,
Delwin & Techy Fowler