It Is Time To Celebrate!

December 11, 2017 | Frank and Salud Benoit

Dear friends,

We hope that you are doing well as the year ends and we prepare to celebrate the birth of Jesus Christ and all that it means. May you all have a safe and blessed Christmas and New year of 2018.

Below is the link to our final prayer letter for 2017 with some of our ministry and family news. Please click on the link titled Benoit’s December 2017 Prayer Letter.pdf.

It was a joy to see some of you in Santa Fe during my brief visit there in Nov. I’m sorry that the bad cold I caught didn’t allow me to contact and see more NM friends before I returned to Spain. It was special to celebrate Thanksgiving with my family, from Santa Fe and Arizona even tho’ Salud, Jonathan and Elisabeth were back in Spain.

Thank you for praying for us and our ministry. God bless and keep you,

Frank and Salud


It Is Time To Celebrate!