Many Coming to the Fold!

May 16, 2024 | Skip and Betty Harkins

Colossians 3:15
Let the peace of Christ rule in your hearts, since members of one body you were called to peace…Let the Word of Christ dwell in you richly as you teach and admonish one another with all wisdom.

Greetings from Brazil,
It is great to see what God has been doing in our midst in the last few months. Great to see people coming to Christ and others coming and just so grateful to be with us.

In April two girls, both 8 yrs old, wanted to know what eternal life was all about as they heard the teacher speak about Life eternal in Sunday School. Both of them accepted Christ and gave testimony in a service about it.

On May 5th a man who has been coming with his wife, who is a Christian, accepted Christ and gave a testimony.

Maria, who has been a Christian for a while was baptized in March and gave a testimony of saving grace.

A young lady who left the church about six months ago and later married has come back bringing her husband. He is hungry for the Word and Sunday, he told me, “It is so good to be here.”

A number of people we are praying for have expressed the desire to know more about Him. We are trusting and praying that soon they will come into the fold.

The church just celebrated 41 years on May 1st. We had a celebration at a nearby farm, with another church. An enjoyable day for an outing.

We are glad to be able to say that we now have a ceiling, a new floor in the church. It looks so nice and easy to clean.

Our ladies’ group is now studying ‘Twelve Extraordinary Women: How the Master shaped women of the Bible and what He wants to do with you.’ By John MacArthur(in Portuguese). Very good study. Our regional ladies (all of the Igrejes Cristao Evangelicas) in our region have a project of evangelism for this year. We have door to door evangelism, inviting our neighbors over for coffee and focusing mostly on our unsaved neighbors.

Skip has good days and bad days. He eats well some days and then he slows down. His legs are really getting weaker. We use the wheelchair more and more. He still sits on the couch in daytime.

We praise the Lord for the ceiling and floor in the church.
We praise Him for the new converts.
We praise Him for Naomi being able to be here to help us.
We praise Him for the privilege of witnessing to those around us who need the Lord.
We praise Him for all our faithful prayer warriors and financial helpers.

PRAY with us:
For Skip and his needs daily. That we can have wisdom to take care of his needs. He is on a liquid diet now but we do make pasty food also. He has acid reflux, and we have to watch his diet. There are days that are worse than others.
For the children’s ministry. That it might begin to grow. We have an average of 10 kids, For the Sunday School teacher also.
For those we have been witnessing to: that the Holy Spirit will convince them of their need of Savior and they won’t harden their hearts.
For Salvation: Cida, Laide, Lucas, Adriana (who works for me one day a week,) Adriana (Naomi’s friend), Dona Laura (neighbor).

For the country of Brazil – for our leaders and president.

May God bless all of you as we look for that Blessed Hope! ” What a meeting in the sky.”

Yours for Brazil,
Skip and Betty


Many Coming to the Fold!