Many Things to Celebrate!
May 27, 2017 | Delwin and Techy Fowler
Hello from Tarapoto!!
There are always so many activities and things going on that sometimes it’s easy to get caught up in a routine. Easter and Mother’s Day celebrations help in making Sunday morning worship a bit different. Both were very refreshing times for the Church and for us as a family as well. Teaching Romans in a Bible Institute for two weeks also provided a great change of routine and also was such a refreshing reminder of Gods mercy and grace in our lives.
Marcos has officially been accepted by Frontier School of the Bible for the fall 2017 semester. This means we are trying to organize a family trip to the USA for that event and stay thru November for Thanksgiving Day in order to visit our supporting churches and many friends and family. We have many things to get ready including passports for the whole family, preparing the Church for our absence and also getting special permission from the judge to take Jennifer on a trip outside the State of San Martin, Peru.
We need extra prayer for all these as it is not always as easy as it appears. Jennifer is still under our guardianship and has not received the official adoption papers as of now. The application has been submitted to take her outside of San Martin but we found out when Techy visited the Judge that it has not advanced as of yet. It should make its way to the top of the pile of papers for the judge to see now. For the judge to see it and then decide positively is our greatest prayer request.
Thank you so much for your prayers during this time.
Have a great day and God bless,
Delwin & Techy Fowler