Ministry In Missions
February 5, 2020 | Delwin and Techy Fowler
Dear Praying Friends,
Thanks so much for your prayers. We have been so blessed and VBS went very well, even without some of our major youth help, and the rains stayed away during the afternoon sessions. Friday evening when it was all over, we took all the helpers and their spouses to eat chicken. It was a great time together.
Then just a week ago we had a commissioning service for nine young people from our church who went to Lima on a mission trip. They will be there all month doing evangelism in the streets, VBS, camps and helping out in three or four churches. It is so encouraging to see how years of training the young people is paying off in such an event as this.
Last evening Delwin taught a young man from 9:30 to 11:30 pm. He wants to study the Bible and is so amazed to find out who God is from the Bible and last night he had great insight about meditation from Psalm 1. He is doing his homework and is learning so much.
Then Saturday evening for youth group, there was a good group of 10 or 12, even with the majority in Lima. Others invited their friends and we had about as many as normal. Then afterward, they stayed around to play table games and eat refreshments. We had a really wonderful time together.
Please keep praying for the mission group who went to Lima and also for a group who just got here yesterday, Feb. 4, from Missouri who will help us till Feb.26. Pray also for the various young people we are discipling, that they will grow in Christ and become strong leaders as well.
Thank you for all your faithful prayers and financial support that enable us to be serving God here in Tarapoto!
Have a great day and God bless,
Delwin & Techy Fowler