Move Complete – Now To Settle
July 22, 2020 | Nathaniel and Kara McRae
Here is a “between updates” update on our transition:
We have settled into our new home fairly well! We are adjusting to a very different setting and learning to love the quietness and solitude. We enjoy the wide views and sunsets and being able to watch the sky and the animals. God, as always, knows exactly what we need, and so much more than we think we do. We are praising him for our home setting. We do have a prayer request regarding internet. As of yet, we have not found an internet provider that can service our area. We can use satellite internet, but these services come with limitations and contracts that we prefer to avoid. Please pray that we will have wisdom in making these decisions and choosing the right service, that will also be financially prudent. Internet is almost required in today’s culture, and it is a primary way we stay connected to people worldwide (including many of you!). Our contact with folks has been sporadic, as we try to make contact when our phones are in a service area. Having to schedule times to come into town and use the office internet to get things done has been frustrating and made us realize how much we have taken the ease of contact for granted! Again, please pray that God would lead us to the right solution, as He sees fit, and in His timing (we hope soon).
We have enjoyed becoming reacquainted with our “old” home church and have already had the opportunity to lead singing for a Sunday service. With people gone for the summer, there was a need, so we were plunged in right away! As our pastor works on a building project, the men filling pulpit have brought powerful messages with very current application, so we are praising God for using His people and His Word! We are also praying that the building project would not have any further impediment, so that we can return to the building, and Pastor Tom can have that project off his plate, so we can hear from him again, too!
Regarding “work”:
-I have been working an hour or two each day doing shipping for a lip balm and soap company. If you need organic African lip balm, soap or honey, let me know! We are thankful for this immediate opportunity to work.
-I am in the hiring process for a bus driving route for the school district. This is a lengthy process, with lots of information, testing, and waiting! Please pray that I will be able to learn everything I need to, and that the process will be quicker than normal.
– I have begun studying for my work at Tentmakers Bible Mission. I should be starting some projects this week that will be pertinent for this fall. Please pray that I will be competent and efficient in these efforts.
We cannot leave out the many praises and thanks we have for our God!
-In addition to housing, he has provided us with a community, into which we are already being woven.
– The children love playing and running outdoors, and are getting to know the people around here, too. God has put them right where He wants them, and we are grateful to see them grow.
– God continues to provide for our physical needs in various ways, giving us exactly what we need. (Even providing “incidentals” like curtains.)
– He continues to lead and confirm that this is His plan for us. That knowledge and confidence is so important to us and makes some things easier.
– We are so thankful for the many of you who have encouraged us and are praying for us. We have gotten several notes in the mail, and those can brighten a whole day.
We could go on, and on, but suffice to say we are so thankful for all God is doing, and appreciate your continued prayers, especially for the job and for the internet. Thank you all!