Nearing the End of a Season
September 23, 2017 | Daniel and Mattie Melendez
I can’t believe how much of 2017 has flown by already. I know many of you are probably starting to enjoy cool fall weather, and prepare for the even cooler winter months. We are still in the triple digits waiting for the cool weather to come! It is amazing how easy it is to adapt to our surroundings. I never thought the day would could where 40 degrees would feel so frigid. We arrived in McAllen, Texas in August of 2013 for Daniel to attend Rio Grande Bible Institute. Now, 4 years later, Daniel is taking his final classes and preparing for graduation in December. We also have been serving the Lord in the church “Iglesia Biblica Cristiana Maranatha”.
Please choose the link below titled Melendez Newsletter for September 2014.pdf to read about our ministry and family and see some exciting photos of our activities. We thank you so much for being interested in our ministry and lives. And, if you want to become more involved, there is some information about that too.
Serving Christ with you,
Daniel & Mattie Melendez and family