Needing Prayer in Peru
June 5, 2021 | Delwin and Techy Fowler
Hello Praying Friends,
We trust everyone is happy in Jesus and growing in Christ-likeness daily.
Tomorrow, Sunday June 6, 2021, Peru is having their final election for president. One candidate is a lady many people said they would never vote for as she was instrumental in Peru having four different presidents since the last election and is known for corruption but she goes up against a declared Communist that has said many things that verify that claim. So, it should be quite interesting although we know God is in control of all this.
Another thing is the health of the whole country really. But especially here in Tarapoto, San Martin, it seems we are dealing with extreme conditions not only with covid-19 but also other serious illnesses. Techy has been sick the last three weeks but seems to be almost healthy again. Her dad has been sick several days and today taken to the hospital for observation as his stomach seems to be swelling daily and the headaches are continuing. Five weeks ago, a faithful church attendee passed away from covid and we are currently praying for no less than six people we know from various churches in serious condition.
Thank you so much for your continued prayers and faithful financial help! We appreciate all of it. All these things really remind us to pray more and trust in God, even with low church attendance we have had some blessed times together. Thanks again!!
Have a great day and God bless,
Delwin & Techy Fowler