New Place Of Ministry
September 30, 2022 | Christina Trujillo
Christina’s Newsletter
Dear friends and family,
Hello from Kisumu, Kenya! Thank you for praying for my safety in travel. I’ve been in Kenya for two weeks now, and I’m starting to figure out what the Lord has for me here.
I have been blessed to join LeAnn Harris in the field, and through her introductions have been given many opportunities. I have been asked by Crossroads Church to help with their Sunday schools, and even have an opportunity to teach the children’s staff. I have also been blessed with the opportunity to help with Fadhili Dada a ministry for young mothers, and a daycare for the community. I will also be visiting a school and seeing if I can help there. Please be praying for me as I figure out what the Lord has for me to teach them. I would also appreciate prayers as the cost of living in Kenya continues to rise, and for the affects it has on this community.
I enjoyed my time in Uganda and have been missing my friends there. During the first two weeks of this month, I was saying goodbye to everyone there. Many of the people asked if I would just stay there instead of coming to Kenya. They were excited when I told them that I would be returning in a couple months.
I want to thank you for supporting me during my time in Uganda, and all that God led me to do there. I also want to thank those who have been faithfully praying for me. I also want to thank you for your continued prayer and support for my time in Kenya. Thank you for being a part of the spread of the Gospel of Jesus Christ!
Prayer requests:
Willingness to learn
Yours in Christ,