Our Sufficient God
January 19, 2023 | Dan and Sharon Leatherwood
Dear Friends and Family,
Greetings from Spain! As we enter this new year and reflect on the past one, there has been a constant reality through each detail of life and ministry here which is reflected in Psalm 45. God has and continues to be our consistent refuge and strength, and very present help in every moment and thus, reminding us not to fear. Even when the very piece of ground that you stand upon suddenly shifts and all around you mountains are cast into the sea, God is the solid rock who offers us a solid foundation. Put another way, God is sufficient even when everything is thrown upside down! Behold His works (or as we have begun studying the book of John and titled it “Come and See”)!
With the beginning of the year, we have challenged the group in Tafalla to be more committed in reading the Bible everyday. Together we have started a guided program to read through the Bible in a year. When we announced it and explained the packet everyone present was quick to come to the front and ask for their copy. Please be in prayer with us that this excitement to read Scripture would continue as well as develop into a deeper desire to apply the Word of God to our daily lives and situations that come. So far the group is excited, reading, and bringing their questions and comments
Some of the individuals in our core group in Tafalla have faced “shifting ground” in work, housing, or health situations. Please pray for the people who participate in the church plant in Tafalla as they sort through how to live out their faith in difficult moments. Pray especially for the Butron family. They have been in past prayer requests as they have faced many different types of trials regarding work—the father lost his job and then due to his age and studies was unemployable in the eyes of the labor market; health— the mother had a stroke and has been unable to fully recover; and now once again health—their youngest son has been diagnosed with stage 4 cancer. He is 18 years old and has been in hospital for three months. Please pray for Javier and for the family as a whole as they negotiate through this season and continue to seek God’s will in and through it all. On Sunday, we shared with the church group in Tafalla about the financial need of this family as they can only afford to make the trip to the hospital (40 minutes away) every other day due to the cost of gas. The church group committed to giving an offering at the beginning of each month to help. This commitment was humbling as these are people with very limited resources.
In addition, recently I was reading about David and his “mighty men” and was challenged to seek a group of “mighty prayer warriors” who are willing and committed to actively battle against giants that present themselves as obstacles or shifting ground here. The commitment in being a “mighty prayer warrior” for us involves being ready, willing, and dedicated to fervently pray for periodic, time-sensitive needs. If you are interested in getting involved in this please let us know.
Also please be in prayer for camp sign-ups on February 1.
Thank you for your prayers,
Dan and Sharon Leatherwood