Requesting Prayers For Travel
March 10, 2021 | Delwin and Techy Fowler
Hello from Tarapoto, San Martin, Peru.
How are you all doing? Not much has changed here, we have been off and on with having Wednesday evening Bible study as curfew was changed to 9 pm and now it is 10 pm again. Tonight, some even stayed till 10:15 pm. They did get home without being ticketed, so all is well.
Our services continue but attendance has dropped considerably. It is different than I expected as it seemed everyone would be excited to get started in this year with church in person instead of just listening to sermons on Facebook. There are still many people who are unable to come for different reasons but we continue to have meetings anyway.
Thank you for your continued prayers and faithful financial support to help in the ministry God has for us here in the Northeast jungle of Peru. It is so encouraging to have so many people interested in what is going on here. We praise God for your help.
The Lord willing, we will be in Dallas from March 23rd to April 6th for the wedding of Marcos and Allyson. We have our tickets but things change a bit every two weeks as far as different covid restrictions. Please pray that everything will work properly in order for us to travel. The wedding is on April 3rd.
Also, we are expecting to have a family from Frontier School of the Bible come after school is out in May for their internship. They plan to work with us for a year. This will be an opportunity for them and for our church to grow together. There are some other people planning to come as well. It is still uncertain how much we are going to be able to do as far as getting together for church activities but we continue to plan and go forward anyway.
Thanks again for your prayers and support!
Have a great day and God bless,
Delwin & Techy Fowler