Reviewing and Refocusing

October 10, 2024 | Dan and Sharon Leatherwood

Dear Friends and Family,

As fall has arrived, in the church plant in Tafalla we have been focusing on what it means to: be a disciple of Christ, be a part of the body of Christ, and be a part of a local church. After completing the recent studies, there are several in the group who are excited about studying deeper and applying what they know about God. Please pray with us that those who congregate with us will grow in participation and commitment.

This month of October also brings us to the first anniversary of the homegoing of Javier Butron (19 years old) who passed away after a year-long battle with leukemia. Please be in prayer for his family (Fernando and Carmen-parents, and Fernando and Luis-brothers). Both Fernandos have been coming to church.

After spending a lot of time praying and talking through changes in life, we came to the conclusion that we need to step down from leading the English camps in the summer in the way that we have done them for the last twenty years. We are pursuing the idea of developing day camps, instead of overnight camps, which we would be able to offer in Tafalla. Please pray with us that the Lord would direct in the planning and provision of a team.

God has put another ministry on our hearts as we have been in contact with other missionary families in the north of Spain. We have seen how He has given us the privilege to reach out, connect, and encourage in each case.

On the family front, please pray with us as we have kids in varying stages of life ranging from several studying in university, to several pursuing work, to another preparing for the mission field, one married and raising kids, and another preparing for getting married and then pursuing missions. In May, Ash and Abbie will be graduating and then will be married.

Thank you for your continued prayer support.

With love in Him,
Dan and Sharon Leatherwood

Reviewing and Refocusing

Reviewing and Refocusing