Services Continue But Construction Stops
May 22, 2020 | Delwin and Techy Fowler
Hola de Tarapoto!! We just got our internet connection fixed last night so I am writing after two weeks of being out of touch. Sorry about that! Not much has changed but this afternoon at lunch we learned that our quarantine which was due to expire on Sunday evening May 24 is being extended until June 30.
So tonight, we just got thru with our men’s meeting by a zoom meeting. Basically, we will continue with Facebook live preaching on Sunday and Wednesday and zoom meetings on Friday, Saturday, and Sunday. People are ready to be together but I guess we need to wait a bit more.
This also means our house construction has advanced nothing the last two months and may not get much attention the following month either. But I did find some of the most current photos so you can see what is going on. We want to get the garage door, windows, doors, and closets in before we move in. Also, the second floor has the walls and roof up so whenever we can work again, we are praying to be able to do the finish work on that as well. These three apartments will serve as places to stay when people come on missions’ trips to work here in Tarapoto.
Then we will need to do some remodeling on our current house in order to make it work as a church building for a place to have our regular church services. We are praying for all this as well as getting some church organization and leadership structure in place. This will all need to be in place soon after we move. Actually, we do not even have a date for moving anymore because it depends so much on when personal construction can be resumed.
Thanks so much for your regular and faithful prayers and financial support so we can be serving our great God and Savior here in the jungle of Peru.
Have a great day and God bless,
Delwin & Techy Fowler