Soon To Be Departing

July 20, 2018 | Blue Asia Grace

We will be departing soon for our field of ministry. The move will be exhausting. The changes will be overwhelming. AND WE ARE SO EXCITED! Because we know that God has great things in store for us. He will guide and protect all along the way. What better place to be than solely in God’s hands.

We have a special additional newsletter for this quarter that we are putting out so that you all can stay informed and pray accordingly. We do appreciate your prayers. AND the financial support has also been coming in to make it possible for us to be there as well. THANK YOU ONE AND ALL!

clink on the link below to see the newsletter update. It is the last one that we will be writing from this continent for a long while. Sorry that we cannot give you more details, but due to the sensitivity or where we are going, we do need to keep some things quite for the time being. GOD knows who your prayers are directed to.

Again, thank you for your support in all ways,
J & S
