Tarapoto Needing Prayer
June 17, 2020 | Delwin and Techy Fowler
Dear Praying Friends,
We really need prayer here in Tarapoto! Almost every family in the church is fighting to survive. The hospitals do not have any oxygen and if someone finds some, they must pay 6000 soles which is almost $2000. But it is really like six-months salary and most people are not working as we are still under quarantine.
I, Delwin, have been sick now too for at least two weeks. I do not have the high fever or the difficult time breathing. But I do not have any strength and have had headaches. I seem to be getting better but still can’t find strength to study in order to preach. All my strength gets used to try to get well.
The constructor of our home has fought his way thru covid-19 but is still very low on energy. Patty, our sister-in-law who works at the hardware store, is recovering as well and our head elder, Hugo Melendez, is sick with high fever and is trying to recover as well. Other families have people in their family that have it and daily it seems someone is coming to our door asking for help. Please pray!!
Thanks for your prayers and we realize God is still in control and will accomplish His purposes thru it all.
Have a great day and God bless,
Delwin & Techy Fowler