Thankful To Our God
November 23, 2017 | Delwin and Techy Fowler
Happy Thanksgiving! Trust all of you will have a great time with family and friends and that God will bless you very much.
We have so much to be thankful for this year and especially these last four months here in the USA. God has kept us safe for nearly 15,000 miles driving thru 24 different states. We managed to see all of our supporting churches and most of our individual supporters.
We thank God for all of you and your love and prayers towards us. Thank you for your faithful giving and continued prayer for us and for Peru. On Wednesday Nov. 29 we fly out of Omaha, NE in the morning, plan to get back home to Tarapoto by Thursday noon.
Have a great Thanksgiving day and God bless,
Delwin & Techy Fowler