The Blessing and the Trial

January 25, 2025 | Delwin and Techy Fowler

Good afternoon faithful praying friends!

We continue on in Tarapoto.  Thanks so much for your continued prayers!  We wanted to give an update on the court proceedings that continue to drag on.  The following is an excerpt from a church prayer line that sums up what is going on and what is ahead for us in this criminal trial.

“Techy Fowler (Peru) will be given a chance to make a closing argument/rebuttal in her trial (kangaroo court) NEXT WEDNESDAY, January 29.  According to Delwin, the judge seems to work for the accusing lawyer. They will be able to appeal after this trial, but the sentencing could carry up to 5 years and $14,000 punishment.          (This trial began as a “land grab” (my words) of Delwin and Techy’s property by a man (known to be an immoral lawyer who bullies people in this way all the time)  who accuses Techy then of violent responses and has filed unfounded criminal charges against Techy).     Delwin and Techy know and believe that God is doing something bigger in this… PRAY for the outcome of the trial to represent the TRUTH and that Delwin and Techy will be good ‘witnesses.'”

Delwin speaking again:  Praise God Jennifer did receive her student visa and is now able to study at Frontier School of the Bible in LaGrange, Wyoming starting in August (fall semester)!!

Thank you so much for praying with us in this criminal trial and the visa situation for Jennifer.

Have a great day and God bless,

Delwin & Techy Fowler

