The Blessings Of New Beginnings

September 4, 2019 | John and Anna Bazemore

Greetings from Italy!

In this newsletter, we wanted to focus upon some special families that God has brought into our lives.  We have had the privilege of being involved in their lives in several different ways.  Each one has blessed us immensely!  BUT, let us also state that this is only a few of the many people who God has used to encourage and bless us.  We don’t have the room to list all of them.

Open the newsletter below titled Bazemore News for Sept. 2019 to meet some of these dear people.  Know that with your prayers, encouragement and support, you are a vital part of this ministry to all the young families here in Aviano, Italy.

Serving together in Christ,

John and Anna


The Blessings Of New Beginnings