The Fruit of Blessing
December 7, 2017 | Paulo and Janis Alencar
Greetings Family and Friends,
What a fruitful year 2017 has been for us here in Brazil. He has provided in so many ways. It is difficult to list out the blessings we have seen. But, we do want to let you know of a few of them. Please open our newsletter by clicking on the link below titled Alencar Prayer Letter for December 2017.pdf to read of some of them. And there are a few photos as well.
It is such a privilege to serve the people of this area. We could not do it without God’s strength, guidance, and provision. AND, you are a big part of that provision! Thank you for being a vital part of this ministry. May God bless you for your faithfulness.
In Christ,
Paul & Janice