The Precious Christmas Season
December 24, 2020 | Delwin and Techy Fowler
Feliz Navidad desde Tarapoto!!! Merry Christmas from Tarapoto!
We celebrated tonight with a big supper at Techy’s folks. Last evening we had a church get together at the house and served around 20 people hot chocolate and paneton (a Christmas bread with dried fruit pieces and raisins). Actually, singing Christmas carols, hearing the Christmas message, praying and taking communion made the evening very special indeed.
Sunday, sixteen from the Community Bible Church went to a village and did a service and a special children’s program. It was a great blessing for everyone involved. We praise God that we have been able to be used during this precious Christmas season.
We continue having church in our living room on Wednesday evening and Saturday youth group as well. Sunday morning Delwin preaches on Facebook for church. It’s been an interesting year for ministry and it doesn’t seem to be getting back to normal yet.
Thanks for your prayers and monthly financial support!! We can serve God here because you are helping us in this way. Thank you and have a very blessed Christmas day as you remember the birth of Jesus.
Have a great Christmas day and God bless,
Delwin & Techy Fowler