VBS Report From Peru
January 24, 2020 | Delwin and Techy Fowler
Hello again from Tarapoto!
We just returned home after taking all the workers that helped with VBS and their spouses out for chicken. We had ten helpers throughout the week and only three of them were the normal VBS helpers. It was exciting having some married ladies from the church help us and some new young people that are just getting started in their service to the Lord.
We had a wonderful week! Only one day we had to stay in the carport under the protection of the roof from the rain. It may have rained most days but was dry enough to be out in the yard during the Vacation Bible School. In fact, we had a torrential rain one night that knocked out several houses in town and seriously damaged the roads. But the great part is that we averaged around 33 kids a day and I’m sure there were over 40 in all during the five days.
Thank you so much for praying and giving for this event! It’s exciting to see the Lord provide for all of our needs and providing new people to help in the different activities that God is using in order to share the gospel message to the people who need to hear. Thank you for your part in helping us get the message out!!
Have a great day and God bless,
Delwin & Techy Fowler