VBS Starts Tomorrow!
January 19, 2020 | Delwin and Techy Fowler
Dear Friends,
Good evening, trust everything is going well. We are enjoying our summer and the many activities we’ve had with Christmas until now.
We start VBS tomorrow, that is on Monday. That will include doing a Bible story, skit, playing games, memorizing verses and singing. Of course, all the kids will really enjoy the refreshments as well.
Sarah will be a counselor at teen camp and Jennifer will be a camper. This scheduling is challenging as several of the youth will be counselors and the rest will help out with the kids in VBS. This will allow some of the adults to get more involved.
Also, Techy and Delwin are teaching classes to young people during the week. Several have accepted Christ and it seems important to take advantage of the youth being on summer vacation. School will begin in March so we need to use these first months of the year to teach as much as possible. Some of the youth have classes in the evenings so are not able to be involved with church much so that is the desire to go full throttle through the summer months.
It’s encouraging to see how so many of the youth are really getting good at helping out. The Christmas activities were a great opportunity for them to develop their service. Also, Amber, an intern from Frontier School of the Bible, is really doing a great job helping us out.
Amber and eight of the youth will go to Lima for a mission trip in February. This four-week trip will take them to Lima, Ica, Paracas and Pica Piedra where they will help some pastors and do camp work and VBS. There will be some street evangelism as well. They have been working hard to get prepared for this mission adventure.
Thank you for your prayers for us and the ministry God has for us here in Tarapoto. We appreciate your faithful prayers and continued financial support.
Have a great day and God bless,
Delwin & Techy Fowler