Waiting For the Blessed Hope

March 27, 2025 | Skip and Betty Harkins

“Look up for your redemption draweth nigh” (Luke 21:28)

Hello from Brazil,

Trust all is well at your end of this world.
We continue to keep looking up and waiting for that blessed hope.

Skip continues to get weaker in his legs. He walks about ten steps anymore and then wants to sit down. He has good days and bad days. He sleeps most of the day and does not like to lay down. So, he sleeps sitting up. He still does therapy twice a week as well as speech therapy. He doesn’t go to church very often as it is so difficult to get in and out of the car. Sunday night he asked to go to church and it started raining hard so he did not get to go. They were going to take him to church in the wheelchair. The church is three houses up the street from us. We will have prayer meeting at our house on Wednesday night. It is so hard to watch a loved one suffer.

We have new faces in our meetings and one young man was saved and being discipled by our pastor. A joy to see him so eager to learn more about the Lord. He told me one day “I am so happy to be with you all.” We had a beautiful baby dedication recently as a new mother has started coming. Our challenge this year is on evangelism and renewing of our minds. We will be visiting unsaved friends and invitations to come and share the Word with us.

Our ladies will be studying the book of Colossians this year as soon as we finish the book we are studying. We will be singing together at services with songs that evangelize and songs that just give praise to God. Most church music today is praising me, myself and I and does not edify anybody. March 30th is Singspiration Sunday. We will have an all-day Camp meeting style service.

Thank you for your faithful prayers and financial help. May God bless each of you.
In Christ,
Wayne and Betty Harkins

…Strength to meet each day
…friends willing to help with Skip’s needs
…spiritual growth among the brethren

…Skip and his strength. His mind is still good except once in a while he gets disoriented.
…for our women and men’s ministries, that God might be glorified in all we do.
…for our evangelism efforts and fruit will result. We must be sowers of the Word.

Waiting For the Blessed Hope

Waiting For the Blessed Hope

Waiting For the Blessed Hope

Waiting For the Blessed Hope

Waiting For the Blessed Hope

Waiting For the Blessed Hope

Waiting For the Blessed Hope

Waiting For the Blessed Hope

Waiting For the Blessed Hope

Waiting For the Blessed Hope

Waiting For the Blessed Hope

Waiting For the Blessed Hope