Warm and Rainy Fall in Peru
March 17, 2016 | Delwin and Techy Fowler
Greetings from warm, rainy Tarapoto. Well, maybe it’s actually hot, but it has been raining quite a bit this last week. Delwin needed to go to a nearby village yesterday and there were big rocks in the road and we passed the plows working to clear the road. It was actually a paved road but it was all muddy. (My grandpa told me I’d never need 4×4 on pavement) Well we had a great trip and did not fall into the river but are very thankful to be back.
A visiting Pastor is starting a Bible Conference tonight with the theme of Spiritual Warfare. Delwin has been translating for him for a week now and the messages just keep getting better and more challenging. This should be a great conference and we’ve invited six different churches so we expect a good crowd as well.
Thank you for your prayers as we have a month of visitors. This is encouraging for our family, the church and for the people who come on their missions trips. Thank you all for coming and if anyone or any church is looking for a great place for a missions trip just contact us and we can work out the details for a visit here to the jungle of Peru.
Delwin’s health (had shingles) is now very good. He really has improved and is going strong again. Thanks for all those prayers! Thank you for your part in the ministry here either by coming for a visit, giving for the work or praying for what God is doing here!
Have a great day and God bless,
Delwin & Techy Fowler