Ways to Pray for Camp
February 8, 2022 | Dan and Sharon Leatherwood
Dear Praying Friends,
Thank you for your prayers and encouragement sent our way. Here are some ways that you can be in prayer for us and the ministry.
Camp sign-ups officially started on Feb. 1 and week 1 is almost full. Week 2 has had a slower start with sign-ups. We are also continuing to pray for a full team to staff week 2. There is some interest but no definite team at this point.
Similarly, we are praying that the Lord would continue to put the details together for the reverse mission trip. Soon we will be meeting with Spanish families with interest in sending their teenager to travel with us to the States where they will spend a week at a time with a Christian family living life as well as participating in activities with Christian youth (a concept totally foreign here). We are working on concreting the 4 locations and the travel dates. If your church would be interested in this opportunity to participate in a mission experience without having to leave your home, please let us know.
Speaking of mission opportunities, we want to ask for prayer for Ashton and Andrew (our two who are studying at California Baptist University in southern CA). They have both committed to serving on a mission trip to two different unreached countries. Ashton is headed to north Africa and Andrew is headed to East Asia. If you would like more information about their trips or how to pray for them, you can visit the links below.
For Ashton https://fcsmnstry.io/o66/QZ4t1F8xBn
For Andrew https://fcsmnstry.io/o66/xZN8B5lbv7
Thank you for joining us in prayer in these areas. Just to add one more item, please pray for Sharon as she has recently tested positive for Covid.
With our love from Spain,
Dan and Sharon Leatherwood