Winding Things Down For The Summer

June 28, 2019 | Kenton and Sonya Becker

Dear praying friends,

I want to thank you for standing with us in this ministry. The month of June means lots of end of the school year activities. The Friday club and Keys club party was a time of blessing where we could talk with the parents and have a time of encouragement. Thank you for your kind notes of encouragement throughout the last few months. Thank you for your financial support. Thank you praying for us.

We were very encouraged by the baptisms of L. and V. this past month. They continue to grow spiritually and show healthy signs of life in Christ. God led and then confirmed that C. was not yet ready to be baptized as there are some things that need to be put in order in her life.

The events surrounding these baptisms were very intense. God used L. and V.’s testimonies to call others to get their lives in order. We rejoice with those who have tender moldable hearts and dared to take steps of faith to go on with the Lord.

However, we were exhausted after the weekend. Not everything went the right direction. Not everyone had victory. Long entrenched bitterness does grow roots that makes it very hard to get rid of.  Please pray for E. and S.

Our discipleship Bible studies continue to be a blessing. Several people are sharing what they learn with those around them. We do not have a “church planting movement” yet! However, it is a joy to see people having a desire to share what they learn with those around them.

Even the youth group Bible study has been an immense joy to lead. Several of the kids come from other churches, however we are thankful to be able to construct in their lives. T. and S. are major motors in this group. We praise God for their leadership initiative. Please commit these future servants of God to the Lord. We look forward to what He has in store for them!

The other activities, as you know, are all a part of our effort to reach out to the felt needs of the community around us. Our goal is to “Make friends. Take them to heaven.” By living a deliberate Christian life, we seek to have an influence in people’s lives by providing things that they might need. English and music lessons as well as basketball are some things we use to make friends so that we can take them to heaven with us. Please pray with us as we plan our schedules for next year. There are always challenges and obstacles however, in response to prayer, the Lord always opens the doors. We find ourselves waiting on him again as we look forward to the month of September.

Several years ago, I was brought into contact with some neighbors on the other side of our neighborhood. They were very open to spiritual matters and we had a good initial conversation with them. However, soon afterwards, they had health problems. They came to church once and adopted me as their pastor. They are lovers of classical music and were fascinated with our girls and their pursuit of music as a career. Recently, the husband was diagnosed with cancer. The treatments are not producing the desired results. His wife came to us the other day and asked me if I would do her husband’s funeral when the day comes. Yesterday, I went to their house and plainly laid out salvation through Jesus Christ to them. I will continue to visit them in the days to come. Please pray that J P would open his heart to the Lord. Please pray that God would reveal Himself to both J P and his wife, and that they would give their hearts to the Lord.

Thank you for standing with us in the ministry as we make friends and take them to heaven.

Kent and Sonya

Winding Things Down For The Summer