God’s Blessings Abound!

July 7, 2017 | Franc and Mary Ortega

Dearest Ones,

What a joy to know that Mary and I are not alone in the diverse ministries the Lord has entrusted to us.

Thank you so very much for your presence in the distance, for your encouraging support and the supervision of our souls and ministries. Please take a look at our July newsletter to get some idea of what has been happening at Maranatha Bible Church and in our family. It was a busy month of June. Click on the link below titled The Ortega’s July 2017 Newsletter.pdf to read and see some photos.

May the Lord continue to find us all faithful until His coming or our going.

In Him,
Franc Ortega


God’s Blessings Abound!

God’s Blessings Abound!

God’s Blessings Abound!