It Is Difficult To Say Good-Bye

January 28, 2017 | LeAnn Harris

As I said good-bye to my friends and family in Africa, I walked through the gates of the airport with a heavy heart. I knew the Lord’s plan for me to return to the States was the next part of the journey for me. By coming home and finishing my internship in LaGrange, WY, the Lord is opening doors for me to share about what He is calling me to do next. It is only by leaving Africa, that I will be able to return.

I have put together a report about my leaving Africa and what the future holds now and future. Please click on the newsletter link below titled LeAnn’s Ledger – January 2017.pdf to read my entire update. And then pray with me and if the Lord leads, join with me not only in prayer but in financial support as well.

Thank you for standing with me thus far. I could not have been there if it weren’t for you.

May God bless you abundantly,



It Is Difficult To Say Good-Bye