Preparing For Peru
March 26, 2024 | Marcos and Allyson Fowler
Dear Family and Friends,
Here is our first newsletter as TBM Missionaries. We are busy learning many new things as well as continuing on with what we are already doing. As Marcos finishes up his final year of schooling at Frontier School of the Bible, his internship year, we are busy with that and other ministry at our church, Plano Bible Chapel. And then there is work and life keeping up with Judah!
We are in the process of preparing and planning for our time of deputation, seeking Teammates as prayer warriors and financial supporters for our ministry in Peru. If you are being led by the Lord to be a part of our Team, please contact us.
We have photos in our Fowler Update below that add “a thousand words” to what we are doing. Thank you for taking the time to open it and read/see what we are busy with.
Blessings to each of you,
Marcos, Allyson, and Judah