Dear Friends,
Good evening, trust everything is going well. We are enjoying our summer and the many activities we’ve had with Christmas until now.
We start VBS tomorrow, that ...
Feliz Navidad from the Fowlers in Tarapoto!
It is hot here and there will be no snow for Christmas, we never get snow in fact when it gets down below ...
Yippee! Praise the Lord!
Today is a great and exciting day. After eight years of hearings and legal requirements and agonizing while waiting, a response to the final hearing finally ...
Conferencia hoy
Thank you for praying for us, it is so encouraging knowing so many are mentioning our names to our blessed Savior the Lord Jesus Christ.
Delwin went to ...
Dear Family and Friends,
Psalm 46:1-3, 10-11 ”God is our refuge and strength an ever-present help in trouble. Therefore, we will not fear though the earth give way and ...
Hello from Tarapoto, just wanted to remind everyone to please pray for Marcos as he is in Brazil on a missions trip. Pray for him as he teaches and evangelizes ...
Hola from Tarapoto,
Thanks for your faithful prayers! We had some great events during Easter weekend going to a village to show the Jesus movie from Luke and closing ...
Thank you to everyone who has prayed and helped out financially throughout the year. The group from Wyoming did great, we handled 44 children in ...
Greetings from Tarapoto, Peru. While many of you are suffering the cold of winter in the polar vortex; down here, it is warm and rainy. So, I’ll try not to ...
Merry Christmas to you from our family here in Peru!
“So they hurried off and found Mary and Joseph, and the baby, who was lying in the manger. When they ...