Dear Co-Laborers,
We are nearing the end of a very unique year. We praise the Lord for each and every opportunity He provided for us to continue to ...
Dear Friends,
We had a wonderful celebration for the 35th Anniversary of Tentmakers Bible Mission last month. Although restricted in numbers, there was still a good turnout and ...
Dear Co-laborers in Christ,
First, we want to wish each of you a blessed Christmas as we remember all that we are and have through Christ. We also pray ...
When we last wrote to you, we were preparing for a lengthy trip to the Midwest and portions of the east. Thank you so much ...
Dear Co-laborers,
First, we want to thank you for your faithful prayer and financial support, which has been, and continues to be a constant source of blessing!
In the ...
It is hard to over estimate the value of our ‘next generation’ of servants… the children of our current TBM missionaries. I wish Wanda and I could take you with ...
DEAR CO-LABORERS, In this season of Thanksgiving, we would remind you of how very thankful we are for you, who pray for us, encourage us, and financially sacrifice ...
2017 proved to be a year of travel for the Thompsons spending nearly 1/3 of the year on the road. Along with the travel came the blessing of serving ...
Ron Thompson, TBM’s Executive Director, and his wife, Wanda, have spent a lifetime serving the Lord in Missions. The link below will take you to their latest update reflecting ...