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Latest TBM News

TBM Connect Prayer Calendar July-Sept 2023

Thank you for praying for Tentmakers Bible Mission! TBM Prayer Connect jul aug sep 2023


TBM News May 2023

In this edition of the TBM News you will read a church planter’s perspective of how the Lord used the ...


Thank You for your Generosity

2022 was a wonderful year of ministry for TBM’s missionaries throughout the world.  Below is a year end message from ...


Supporting a Short Term Missions Trip?

Short term missions trip, done well, are amazing opportunities to introduce people to the needs of the mission field. Click the following link to support the participant for one of our upcoming missions trips.

Click Here to donate to our short term missions trips

What is the purpose of TBM?

TBM values church planting

Do you actually make tents?

TBM values tentmaking

How does TBM determine where our missionaries go?

TBM values God's calling on our missionaries

Why doesn't TBM collect a percentage of donations?

TBM values faith in finances and support raising

Who are TBM Missionaries and where are they from?

TBM values national missionaries as equal partners

How does TBM work with sending churches?

TBM values the role of the sending church

Mission Fields


Recent Missionary Updates

Delwin and Techy Fowler

Enlarging Remodel Again
October 11, 2024

"Dear Family and Friends, Thank you for your faithful prayers and financial support. We are in the middle of remodeling ..."


Dan and Sharon Leatherwood

Reviewing and Refocusing
October 10, 2024

"Dear Friends and Family, As fall has arrived, in the church plant in Tafalla we have been focusing on what ..."


Victor and Maddy Ramirez

Boldness Blessings
October 9, 2024

"Dear Faithful Friends, I want to share with you a couple of recent events in our ministry. The Lord is ..."


Steve and Deb Roderick

“My Lips Will Praise You”
October 4, 2024

"Dear Praying Friends, We are grateful for your continued support and love—your prayers and encouragement give us confidence in serving ..."


Bill and Laura Bagley

God Will Make A Way
October 2, 2024

"Dear Ministry Partners, We’re so close to the start of Hope Bible Church!  God is making a way.  We really ..."


Ronnie and Meela Heerah

New Ministry Opportunities
September 25, 2024

"Hi Prayer and Ministry Partners, We hope you are all doing well and you’re trusting in God’s grace and mercy ..."


Matt and Emmerie Moore

Twelve Years of Blessings
September 23, 2024

"Dear Praying Friends, Emmerie and I are about to celebrate 12 years of being with Tentmakers Bible Mission and in ..."


Nathaniel and Kara McRae

Reaching Milestones to Remember
September 15, 2024

"Friends, Along with the regular transitions of fall come changes in responsibilities and children reaching milestones. The attached Newsletter gives ..."


Partner With Us


Our missionaries need your faithful prayer. If you would like to pray for our TBM missionaries you can download our weekly prayer guide.



We would love for you to partner with us. Your tax-deductable donations allow us to plant churches and train church planters around the world.

Prayerfully consider contributing to our general fund so we can continue to provide necessary services for missionaries around the world. Since we do not collect any administrative fees from our missionaries, we rely on the faithful support of mission-minded friends for ongoing expenses of running our mission organization.

Donate Online


There are may ways for you to get involved in missions with Tentmakers Bible Mission.

Are you interested in short term missions, an internship or possibly career missions? We would love to see how we can help you fulfill your ministry. Contact our home office for more information.

We are also always looking for mission-minded partners to help us reach the lost with the Gospel and see Bible-centered churches established.

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